Today brought a hallmark for our family - at least for me. I gave notice to Rose's preschool that she would be leaving in June.
Not really a big event in the overall scheme of things, but honestly, it felt like a big deal to me. I mean, geesh, she's going to Kindergarten. My baby - my once-fat-little-tub-of-butter (the doctor and I still joke about the feeding clinics when she was a scrawny infant!), my screamer (yikes!), my fearless girly-girl who loves bugs, Hello Kitty and crackle nail polish equally, my already-reading, wants-to-take-music-lessons, girl-after-my-own-heart is almost officially a BIG KID. Wow.
I read an article the other day that talked about how children lose their "cuteness" at four-and-a-half, when they officially become kids. Is it the bossy, in-your-face, crying, dramatic, must-always-have-an-opinion-about-everything demeanor that makes a parent say, "How annoying!" instead of "How adorable?!" No, I don't think that's what's behind the change in the sense of cuteness. In fact, it's the positive beautiful maturity that comes with age . . . knowing what you like (cauliflower, anyone? Yea!), knowing what you don't (mushrooms are on the outs at our house), feeling proud about wearing clothes that reflect EXACTLY how you feel (stripes and plaid today - all right!), and holding your own against a brother who delights in cherishing and tormenting you at the same time (EVAAAANNNNN!!!!!!). It's feeling that you're in charge of something -- even if it's just the puppy -- and delighting in your own independence and abilities. It's riding a bike and whistling at the same time.
Our Rose, we love her. Even if she is growing up and moving on.
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